Sunday, October 30, 2011


I am slack.
I have not posted on this blog for so long I kind of feel like a traitor being back here. I have just had so much going on of late, and haven't had any film developed therefor I have a lack of things to put up on here. But I am back, though it may be sporadic.

I currently have the bridal bug. It is a little bit gross, but a little bit charming too. I am wishing that we could get married in some sort of American Countryside barn like this one pictured, but that just aint' gonna happen, so we have opted for a sunny backyard wedding - Preston style. And no I don't mean parachute pants and VB cans. There are nice parts of Preston you know?

I DO mean DIY floral arrangements in Mason jars, hill's hoyst clothesline draped with flowers and vines and jars with tea lights. I also mean a 'quite bridey' dress to amp things up a little. I had a dress disaster with the one I had planned on wearing, and it was unable to be repaired. Which kind of came as a blessing in disguise after the initial month of freaking out. I am now in love with the new dress I chose, and await it's arrival on my doorstep. I ordered it online, so fingers crossed that the sizing is ok - a little scary over here!

I did have a Bridezilla moment when we had planned to use another venue- also quite scary, for Joe especially!- but once we changed the location to our big yard, things started falling into place, and the Zilla left town thank god.
